Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sometimes, you just order Thai...

Monday there was life... mine anyway... running around... cooking something yummy... setting up for the most recent charity event... addressing a crowd of 450 people... talking about the Oscars... feeding children, doing laundry, cleaning up puppy pee... and then there was the added bonus... wearing heels for the first time in about six months, almost getting a speeding ticket, and the 9 year old getting caught passing a note in class. Now it's not unusual for a kid to get in a little trouble from time to time... I understand... I passed notes... but when I got caught I had to take the punishment... write 25 times "I will not pass notes in class"... and yes, I did purposefully leave a space between the "p" and the "ass" to be a jerk... but that was it...

My nine year old decided he would deflect the punishment by telling his teacher that he "wished he wasn't here anymore"... and "it would be easier for everyone if he were gone". This of course did not fare well for him. Or me. Instead of getting ready for the event I had that evening, I sat with him in the Principal's office assuring them he was not suicidal and did not understand the gravity of the statements.

All is well by today, order had been restored and all I had today was a puking seven year old and an injured man... oh, and the rest of the stuff that goes along with my life. She puked off the side of the bunk bed... narrowly missing the nine and four year old's bunks... so they're on the couch... and she's quarantined... now it's all about minimizing exposure. It's gonna be a long night...

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